EMDR Intensives

I offer six hour EMDR intensives in my practice in Hampstead on a Sunday from 10am to 4pm. Multiple intensives may be needed dependent on the needs of each client and their trauma history. These intensives are for clients already working with myself and have done the preparation work necessary. The intensives are also facilitated for clients who are working with other therapists (who do not offer EMDR) or are already enagaged in mental health recovery and are currently stable and relatively well resourced.  Some resourcing will take place as part of the day.


Advanatages of intensives include but are not limited to:

Faster relief than weekly one to ones

Faster Progress than weekly one to ones

Less time off work or away from commintments in the week


Before commiting to an intensive with a client, it is essential that initial assessent(s) are booked in to check this is the appropriate treatment plan for you.

Please contact me via email so I can arrange a time to make contact with you to discuss this with you in further detail.


Client intensive testimonial

I have found the emdr intensive an effective way to process my trauma. I have benefited from the intensive emdr days where we have been able to process a lot more than we would have (over many individual sessions over a much longer period).  For anybody starting emdr I would recommend doing an intensive day because of the uninterrupted, significant progress that can be made in one day. I found it to be more efficient and avoids having to hold semi processed trauma for long periods in between sessions. I also like the way we work together as a team and are both focused on the work. It feels like the best way to approach difficult memories as you have the sustained support and interest of the therapist without the fear that you will be left alone with difficult memories.



Mainstone Counselling Ltd reg number 11338192

27 Avenue Mansions, NW3 7AX